Comparison of Anaconda and Miniconda, which should be used to build the environment


About Anaconda and Miniconda

When it comes to building a machine learning environment with python, many books and sites say that you should use Anaconda for the time being.

It's true that Anaconda makes it easy to build an environment, but it also has its disadvantages.Therefore, I compared the characteristics of Anaconda and Miniconda.


"Python + R language + conda + 1000 or more related packages + execution environment + etc ...."

If you install Anaconda, you will be able to use packages for scientific calculation and data science together with Python.It also includes "R", a programming language for data science alongside Python, and their comprehensive development environment.Roughly speaking, the following applications are installed.

Included in Anaconda

  • Programming language: python, R
  • Package: numpy, pandas, Matplotlib, Scikit-learn, Tensorflow ... etc. 1000 or more
  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE): Jupyter, JupyterLab, Spyder, RStudio
  • Graphical User Interface (GUI): Anaconda Navigator


"Python + conda + minimal package"

The smallest configuration version of Anaconda. Installation of python is easy, but necessary packages and execution environment are built individually using conda.

What is Conda
Package manager.A program for installing packages and organizing the environment. You can execute various commands by entering the conda command from the screen called conda prompt.
Command example: "Install package: conda install ~~" "Check environment: conda info"

Advantages and disadvantages of each


Merit Demerit
  • Includes a package that is widely used for machine learning, etc.
  • No hassle of building an environment
    Less risk of trouble
  • Just install
    Create an environment to start machine learning and deep learning
  • Download takes time
  • Large file size
  • I can't figure out what's in it, and it turns into a black box.
  • You need to install the packages that are not installed as standard.
  • Many unnecessary packages make it heavy


Merit Demerit
  • Minimal package required, light
  • It is easy to understand the package because you install it yourself.
  • Download fast
  • File size is small
  • You have to install all the packages you want
  • You have to know what packages you need
  • It takes time to build the environment and there is a risk of trouble.

By the way, when I tried it in October 2018, the file size was more than 10 times different.

           Anaconda          Miniconde
At the time of download   646 MB          54 MB
At the time of installation About 3 GB Approximately 260 MB

Which one should build the environment

Suitable for Anaconda Suitable for Miniconda
  • People who do not want to have a hard time building an environment
  • People who don't care if there are unnecessary packages
  • Those who want to start machine learning as soon as possible
  • Those who have plenty of disk space
  • People who want to know which package they are using
  • People who don't like installing unnecessary packages
  • People who use SSD etc. and want to save disk space

I first built the environment with Anaconda, but I couldn't grasp the contents, so I uninstalled it and rebuilt it with Miniconda.

Although Anaconda is standard and rich in tools, you end up having to look into the package when you write your own programs.I think it's important that you know what's in it.


Miniconda official
Anaconda Official

The environment construction method with Miniconda is summarized below.